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How Does The Eyeball Move ?

 The Eyeball is fitted into two cavities filled with fluid. The anterior cavity contains the aqueous humour which provides nourishment to the internal structures of the eyeball. The posterior cavity contains a gel-like substance which helps the eyeball to maintain its shape.

Every movement of the eyeball involves the action of a total of  six muscles. All the movements are , however , co-ordinates in the brain. These muscles work in pair to move the eyeball. For example , if the superior oblique muscles rotate , the eyes move downwards and outwards. The interior recti make the eyes look down and the superior recti work to pull the eyes back and look up. When the right eye looks to the right , the lateral rectus on the right side of that eye contracts and the medical rectus on the left side of the same eye relaxes to allow the movement of the eyeball.


