Hey Guys, You Know One Fact Humans Didn't even Explored or Discovered Even 65% of Earth Surface......
In This Article I have told About Some of the Amazing Plants and Animals and even Insect Which Still Living in our world with wonderful and Unique Characters and Behavior....Read and Share with your Friends and Family.....Leave a Command What do you Think of this article, We Love to here your Feed back......
The understorey and forest floor are darker and damper than the canopy.... with still air and little or no direct Sunlight, they provide a haven for moisture-loving plants and animals.
What a Stink?
Sumatra's Rafflesia is the world's Biggest Flower, though it is more like a fungus....its rotten smell attracts the insects that pollinate it......The Flower last for one week....
How big can a Rafflesia Grow??
Solution: Rafflesia Flowers Grow to about 1 m(3 ft) in width......
See-Through Butterflies
Glasswings are delicate butterflies that live in gloomy parts of the understorey......
If you Saw These species of Butterflies, Share your experience in the command Box......
Crabs in Trees
On some rainforest-covered island, crabs climb tress and scurry over the forest floor.....Looking for Dead bodies to scavenge.....
They are not really a Crab, They are Spiders Look Like Crab....
Death by Suffocation
Boa constrictors don't have fangs or poison, so they kill prey by Squeezing until the animal dies of suffocation....
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Killer Plants
The Strangler fig Starts life in a Large tree as an epiphyte...Over the years, it wraps root around the host's Trunk and Gradually chokes the tree Death.
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